Category: Mindset
Quit your New Years Resolution: try these alternatives instead
Every year as the calendar turns to January, millions of people take time to reflect on the previous year and set New Year’s resolutions to improve something in their lives. Losing weight, exercising more, finding a new job, and saving money consistently top the list of popular resolutions. However the hard truth is that the…
The Curse of Memories
Most of what you will do today will be forgotten by tomorrow morning. The reason for this is not because what you did today is insignificant; but because in the grand scheme of things, the breakfast you had the day before doesn’t mean much. Memories can be funny that way. There are a few important…
On Improving An Organization
It seems as though improving an organization ought to be straight forward. You find the flaws, apply the well documented fixes and watch productivity sky rocket. But let’s be honest… it’s never that easy is it? Wanting to make a difference and affecting change seem to be worlds apart. Making a change in a moving…
The Gateless Gatekeepers
You go over to a friend’s house where someone is already over and playing a beat that he created. You start bobbing your head to the beat because it’s pretty good. Next thing you know you’re freestyling over the beat, because you know.. you got skills like that. The person who made the beat likes…
How an introvert can do public speaking like a pro
Story about how an introvert ran the show like an extrovert and how you can do wing it like a pro too.