Category: Business
The Gateless Gatekeepers
You go over to a friend’s house where someone is already over and playing a beat that he created. You start bobbing your head to the beat because it’s pretty good. Next thing you know you’re freestyling over the beat, because you know.. you got skills like that. The person who made the beat likes…
How an introvert can do public speaking like a pro
Story about how an introvert ran the show like an extrovert and how you can do wing it like a pro too.
Taming the Idea Monster
When I have a business idea my initial urge is to write down all the things I have to do to make it happen. I need a logo. I need a website. It should be a physical product. It should be green. No, yellow… definitely yellow because it will grab more attention. I’ll sell it…
Time Sucking Vampires at Work
You’ve just started to get in the zone at your work and a shadow slowly creeps up over your monitor and from the reflection on the screen you can see the attack coming, but you know that it’s already too late. The attack comes unprovoked just like in an Anne Rice novel except instead of…
Start With Why Book Summary. How Great Leaders Inspire Action
Why did you wake up this morning and go to work? Sure the paycheck is one reason, but what if someone offered you a little more, would you jump ship or stick around? Why do your customers buy your product? Maybe that last discount you offered got some new customers in the door, but why…